How to Create a Mini Course and pick a Profitable topic that will Sell


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Photographer turned online digital course creator who cracked the code to fast success and is pulling back the curtain to show others how to get success fast.

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Are you considering creating a profitable mini-course for your business? Or you have a skill or knowledge you want to share through a few quick lessons. Many content creators try for a profitable mini-course creation that enhances their business. But then, six months later, they feel tired and dislike working anymore. 

It happens to course creators because creating a full-scale course takes time. You must manage all the tasks, such as content, formatting, design, marketing, and branding, by yourself.

Welcome to the world of mini-courses. It’s another type of course that is much easier, faster, and cost-effective to create. These bite-size educational experiences are revolutionizing the way we learn and teach online. I will teach you the profitable mini-course creation that shares all your expertise and provides profit.

Profitable Mini Course Creation

What is a Mini-Course?

Imagine a full-scale online course that costs from $500 to a few grand and is packed with comprehensive content. Compress that course into a more watchable and affordable mini-course. Think under $100 An average mini-course takes 90 minutes or less to complete. This type of course helps people learn one specific skill or concept. Most importantly a hot problem they want to solve fast.

It’s the perfect starting point for those new to online business. New creators might think that they have no following or email list. Who’s going to buy from me? However, a mini course is different because it doesn’t need massive marketing campaigns and branding, because you are there giving them exactly what they are looking for.

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Profitable Mini-Course Creation

When you want to create a profitable mini-course, you have to start by selecting a topic or niche. This topic or niche should be the entry point to your business. This small course is the stepping stone into your other courses, memberships, programs and one on ones. This mini funnel in itself should bring in profit as well. It’s a win win! There are three essential pillars to choosing a subject or course idea. First is knowledge; start with what you know. Authenticity is key here.

I see so many people trying to sell digital products for the sake of selling. Especially these Master rights programs. No hate, I promise. And truthfully I may had taken the offer if it was available a few year back because I just would not have known.

Yes, I teach course creation and digital offers now but I could not have taught what I taught without the success of doing it first. My photography courses brought in over 300k before starting to teach Mini Courses.

After finding your niche, Think about what people keep asking you about. This will help you to get to know your audience better. Then, connect your topic to basic human needs, like health, money, or relationships, like knitting. Other factors are listed below.

  • Price your mini-course under $ 100- think of $27 or $37. It shouldn’t be too heavy on the wallet, making it easier for people to purchase. Once you have some reviews and solid testimonials, increase the price. 
  • The core of a successful mini-course is its content. It should solve a problem that people are actively trying to find answers to. If you’re not solving the problem, then selling gets tougher. Give the consumer the quickest solution.  For example, my photography business boot camp wasn’t a six-week course. It was about setting up your camera to shoot like a pro instantly.  Giving them the quick win was what they were looking for.
  • Ready for my secret sauce? The funnel. Start your mini-course for under $50. After that, add a bump offer that is something that can make this work faster or easier. For instance, a preset, workbook, or checklist. Then provide a time offer that’s too pass up like the traditional course with discount or membership.
  • Use the power of social media platforms. You can effectively promote your mini-course on Instagram, YouTube, and others. Or You can run ads on the platform of your choice.

Advantages of Profitable Mini Course Creation

Have you ever been to a bakery? How appealing are the smaller items compared to the usual ones? Like mini-pizza, mini-burgers, and cupcakes, and your urge is to purchase them. The same goes for mini-courses, which offer customers a significant skill in a small package. Here are the most common benefits of creating a mini course.

  1. Mini-courses don’t take too much time to create. You can produce an excellent mini-course in two weeks. You don’t have to spend too much money and can save time. You will have more time to have fun and less worry about sales. 
  2. Moreover, mini-courses allow you to check any particular niche or topic you are interested in pursuing. It will save you energy and time. Also, allows you to know if there’s an audience for the learning you want to offer them. 
  3. Mini-courses are great because they are easy for the audience to consume. Like a mini-burger, they can be digested more efficiently and quickly. You don’t need to cover a broad topic. Create your mini-course that solves a specific problem.
  4. Mini-courses are fantastic additions to a portfolio for creators who are thinking long-term and want to scale up their business. You can include them in a course bundle to provide more value to your audience. 
  5. A mini-course is an excellent strategy for increasing the leads in your marketing funnel. People might interested in your traditional $500 course, but they willn’t spend that much money to learn a new skill or hobby. You can price a mini-course for just $27 or $37.
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The creation of a successful mini course hinges on strategic topic selection and effective sales funnel design. By leveraging your expertise, addressing market demand, and aligning with fundamental human needs, you can craft compelling mini courses that resonate with your audience and drive meaningful results.

Like my photography course, your mini-course offers the quickest route to solve problems, which teaches professional camera setup quickly. For the funnel approach, use a three-tier product funnel. Start with your mini-course, then follow up with a small additional offer and conclude with an OTO (one-time offer) for the more extensive product at a special rate. Always choose a mini-course topic for your questions and ensure it connects with human survival needs like health, money, or relationships. Building a mini-course that caters to the specific needs of a particular group, like moms looking to start a photography side hustle.

Now, go out there and turn your knowledge into profit!

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